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Franklin County Board of Elections


Our goal is to make sure that all Franklin County residents that are eligible to vote have a smooth voting experience. This page explains how the voting process works, from registration to Election Day.

Deadlines and rules often change from one election to the next. This page will provide voters updated, easy-to-use information.

 The "KnowB4UGo" icon will note changes that may require immediate action or review by voters.

KnowB4UGO Community Tool Kit

Get Ready for Election

Election Day

  • Voters bring acceptable forms of identification to the polls (see below)
  • Voters cast ballots in their correct polling location between 6:30am and 7:30pm

Votes are Tallied

  • Preliminary, unofficial results are posted election night here on the Board of Elections website
  • Final, official election results are posted here on the Board of Elections website 2-3 weeks after Election Day

What are acceptable forms of ID for voting?

Acceptable PHOTO ID: (must not be expired)

  • Ohio Driver License
  • Ohio State ID Card / Ohio State ID Interim Documentation
  • U.S. Passport or passport card
  • U.S. Military ID card
    • Ohio National Guard ID card
    • U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs ID card

Only the forms of ID listed above are acceptable. Any other documentation, including notices from the Board of Elections are not acceptable forms of ID for voting purposes. View a list of valid photo ID's for voting.

Apple Wallet in partnership with the Ohio BMV has launched digital State of Ohio Identification. This ID is NOT an acceptable form of identification for voting purposes. Review the section for acceptable forms of ID above.

Don't have valid ID?

A voter presenting an Ohio driver license or Ohio ID card that shows voter’s former address is permitted to cast a regular ballot so long as the voter’s current residential address has been updated with the Board and appears in the official poll list of registered voters for that precinct.

Voters who do not provide any one of these documents at the voting location will still be able to vote using a provisional ballot and appearing at the Board Office within four days of Election Day to provide ID.

For residents interested in voting but that lack valid ID, there is assistance available. Beginning on April 7, 2023 any person ages 17 and over may apply for and receive a State of Ohio ID Card free of cost from the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles. Visit the Ohio BMV website or call (844) 644-6268 for more information.

What is a provisional ballot?

A provisional ballot is used to record a vote if a voter's eligibility is in question. The most common reasons for someone to vote provisionally is because they did not update their current address, they did not bring ID to the polls or they may have requested an Absentee ballot.

The voter is given their precinct ballot to vote but it is cast "provisionally" until election officials at the Board can verify the voter's eligibility to vote in the particular precinct at that election. All validly cast provisional ballots are counted in the Official Count in each election.

Voting Before Election Day

All voters can vote from home!
Avoid the lines. Take your time researching what is on your ballot, and vote from the comfort of your own home.

  1. Submit an absentee ballot application to vote from home. You can request an application by calling 614-525-3100 or print the form directly from our website.
  2. Return the application to the Board of Elections.
  3. We will mail your ballot to you with a return envelope.
  4. Vote your ballot and return it:
    • By Mail: Postmarked by the Monday before Election Day.
    • In Person: At the Board of Elections by 7:30pm on Election Day.
    • All ballots must be received by the fourth day after Election Day.

Voting at the Board of Elections

We are located at 1700 Morse Road in Columbus.
Early voting dates and hours are:

  • April 8th – 25th

    (Weekday Only – Monday through Friday)

    8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

    Final Week of Early Voting – Extended Hours

    Monday, April 28th

    7:30 AM – 7:30 PM

    Tuesday, April 29th

    7:30 AM – 8:30 PM – Last Day to Request Absentee Ballots

    Wednesday, April 30th – Friday, May 2nd

    7:30 AM – 7:30 PM

    Saturday, May 3rd

    8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

    Sunday, May 4th

    1:00 PM – 5:00 PM

    No Voting Monday Before Election Day

Download and print the current Early Vote Schedule

What's on my Ballot?

Voters in Franklin County will have candidates and/or issues to vote on in the upcoming May 6th Primary Election. Please use our Voter Information Search to search and see your sample ballot and Election Day polling location.n.

May 6th Primary Election Candidate Contests and Issues:

Your ballot may include candidates for: